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What Students Are Saying About Working with UTAs


Overall Impact:

My UTA was amazing. He had a passion for the subject, and truly worked with my instructor to enhance my learning experience.

[She] was an amazing TA. She provided incredible feedback throughout the whole semester and really engaged with us to help us in any possible way. When approaching her with my concerns she would immediately relay it to the professor as well. Overall, she was responsive, respectful, and enthusiastic.


The UTA's definitely made the class less challenging.

I think that my TA was extremely helpful. She does a lot for this class and I think that she was a vital part of this course. Without her I don't think the class would have been nearly as effective. Very approachable and knowledgeable.


He answered questions and requests within the day. He was kind and tolerant of everyone. Writing is an extremely vulnerable outlet and he exerted his authority with extreme care, caution, and joy.

I had the privilege of working with one of the best TA's I could have imagined. She was engaging, approachable, and truly passionate about what she did. 

My UTA's passion for helping with the class made me that more excited to go to class and complete assignments.

She was the perfect TA because she clearly loved the subject and was happy to teach us more.

Assistance In Class:

My UTA did a great job of organizing miniature lesson plans and making things understandable. She also offered very helpful advice and criticism on my writing.

(He) acted as a secondary teacher and made students feel comfortable.

My UTA was AMAZING at contributing and participating in discussions. He always had feedback that matched the instructor's or clarified something that the instructor said.

Assistance Outside of Class:

My UTA set up times before big assignments were due where we could go and she would help, which I found very helpful.

The UTA in my class was extremely helpful and helped me understand the lessons much better. Also, she helped me see what I had to improve in my writing.

Our UTA was definitely a major help this semester. She knew all her stuff, and when ever I needed help she explained the subject very well. I also felt comfortable approaching her because she is around our age. Overall our UTA did a great job this semester at keeping us engaged and in the material.

The UTA was very knowledgeable about the course and the course material. Her comments were just as helpful as the professor's.

Having a TA granted me access to another mentor that I was more comfortable approaching with academic concerns before having to ask my professor about it.


I found using a TA to be very helpful for the blended class. I was able to email him whenever I  had a question for an online assignment and he was quick to respond. ... He was respectful and non judgmental of the students and our writing and was not too critical. He was a very important part of my good grade in the class.


[My TA] is amazing! He helped us in any way that he could. He was understanding and truly wanted us to succeed. He took the time to review papers and he always gave great feedback. He is probably the first TA I felt comfortable with and felt I could ask for help. Having a TA is definitely helpful and useful for an English 101 course. 


[My TA] was great! It was good to have someone to go to who was specific to our class (the professor teaches three sections of this course) and who could answer questions quickly over email/ELMS/face-to-face. Having a TA was extremely helpful.



UTAs in English 101

All ENGL101 classes should have a TA. That is for a couple of reasons. First, she helps Lyra keep organized and since she has taken this class she also understands from a students perspective what is important. She was very approachable. Many times I would email [her] if I had a question, along with that I went to her for feedback.


TAs for this course are helpful since they took the same course that was taught by the same professor. Because of that, they know exactly what this course is about and what should be done.


Having a TA made the class so much easier because I know the professor can be busy. Also since [he] had taken the class a year ago he was especially helpful and very fair.


[My TA] was so helpful, and was always there when i need help. I worked with him outside of class. i felt as though he was very knowledgeable considering he had previously taken the class and was so easy to talk to because he was so nice. The TAs were extremely helpful. I did work with them outside class multiple times, and they were very knowledgeable. YOU NEED TAs IN ENGLISH 1O1! IT IS EASIER TO TALK TO ANOTHER STUDENT THEN TO A TEACHER.


 I really think a TA in this class is more necessary than even having a TA in my econ class where there are 500 people per class.


[TA] was great fabulous helped us out a lot. love them keep them have more of them like [TA]. I worked with [him] outside of class, on my papers. [He] was helpful kind respectful great laid back approachable did i mention great.













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